Jane Bowden | Liv Boyle | Michelle Cangiano | Maree Clarke | Jess Dare | Anna Davern | Nicky Hepburn | Kath Inglis | Pennie Jagiello | Manon van Kouswijk | Sim Luttin | Vicki Mason | Belinda Newick | Lauren Simeoni | Lucy Simpson | Alice Whish | Melinda Young. Curated by Belinda Newick


Contemporary Jewellers & Artists make Welcome Garland’s' in response to Australian Immigration & Refugee policies.


Welcome Swallow, 2018, yellow gum (eucalyptusleucoxylon), lemon scented gum (corymbia citriodora), native indigo (indigofera australis), silk. Photo: Fred Kroh

For many birds, fish, and mammals, migration is about survival. For millions fleeing war and persecution today, the motivation is no different.

A guest of ten years in Australia, my experience of being so warmly accepted here has been an immense privilege.

To those seeking asylum within our communities, I wish to extend the same true welcome.

To evoke a sense of place, this garland is constructed from silk dyed with native plant material gathered from my surrounds, connecting the colours of the land with the colours of the bird.

May the wearer of Welcome Swallow know the freedom of its name sake, the lightness of its feather, and be received with open hearts and open minds upon every shore.

Welcome Swallow, 2018, yellow gum (eucalyptusleucoxylon), lemon scented gum (corymbia citriodora), native indigo (indigofera australis), silk. Photo: Fred Kroh

Native to Australia, the Welcome Swallow is a small, friendly and handsome bird. While its foreign cousins are known to be epic travellers, here on Country where conditions are fair and life isn’t bad, the species tends to stay put.

Sometime in the early 1900’s however, a brave few individuals rode the wind across the ditch and introduced themselves to New Zealand - not unlike my

own one-way flight to Australia in 2007. Having successfully populated nearly every continent on the planet, swallows enjoy the luxury of being welcomed wherever they choose to rest their wings.

Drawing great arcs across hemispheres along the flight path, their celebrated return heralds the arrival of spring – representing hope, new life, and relief from the hardships of winter.

Australian Welcome Swallow. Photo: A. Ross-Taylor, 2014. Reproduced with permission from Dahlem's Birds of Australia,

Australian Welcome Swallow. Photo: A. Ross-Taylor, 2014. Reproduced with permission from Dahlem's Birds of Australia,


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